Koppel A.W. srl Ascensori
Via Strasburgo 23/A
43123 Parma
tel. ++39 052 160 7028
fax ++39 052 160 7185

P.I. IT01516060348

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Koppel AW Srl
Via Strasburgo 23/A, 43123 Parma
Nr. iscrizione Registro Imprese 159511
PI IT 01516060348

The web sites among the domains "koppelaw.eu" and "ascensori-parma.com" fulfil the legal obligations on web sites.

The names of the people (page "about us") are published fulfilling the terms of the norm on privacy (D.Lgs. 196/2003).
All the images and the texts of the web site are made by Koppel AW, so that all the right are reserved and protected by copyright.
The users of the web site are protected by the privacy policy law, therefore no personal data is taken by web site owner (D.Lgs. 196/2003). No page is linked to any software download procedure and the web site tracing let know just the number of the users of the web site.
No page is unappropriate to underage people.
No page contains e-Commerce forms.
The links of the web site (page "links") let the users to go to other web sites, which are not controlled by the owner of this web site, who has no responsibility about.

owner: Eng. Giuseppe Iotti
editorial staff: Koppel AW Srl
hosting and webmanager: Dr. Simone Mazza